Here in this blog we will share our knowledge and deep experience and describe how to uproot piles with herbal fruits at home 2021. By adopting these habits and using these natural remedies under the supervision of your local medical expert/consultant, surely you will get rid of piles in less time. In addition to that will suggest some preventive exercises how to safeguard you in advance from this horrible disease.
“Health is Wealth”; this is a universal truth. One can really enjoy
life excitedly only when he is hale and hearty, fit and well. Healthy body keeps a healthy mind. A healthy person can perform all of his tasks
in every field of life quite efficiently as compared to an un-well person.
Disease of Piles (hemorrhoids) is a horrible, painful and teasing syndrome. Unfortunately an affected person is also found as mentally discomfort. There are two main types of Piles disease; one condition is that in which blood flows out either with stool or sometimes without stool and the complaint of pain is not often found in every patient. While in second type of pies, patient has to bear great pain in the Anus at the time of passing stool or even sitting or waking anywhere. The veins of anus are swollen.
Before discussing how to uproot piles with herbal fruits at home 2021, we want to share the causes of piles (hemorrhoids). There are number of reasons and causes of being fallen in to this disease. The most common reasons are given below:-
1) The continuous and prolong sitting. A person who spends his time by continuous and prolong sitting, puts too much undesired pressure on his anus. Resultantly blood circulation is badly disturbed and internal veins of anus are swollen. The piles gradually increase and the life of patient turns into trouble.
2) Constipation. Constipation is called the “Mother of Diseases”. A person living a luxury life, eating fast foods abundantly, doing smoking, using fibreless diet, having no exercise in his life & getting too much tension is surely caught by Constipation. The patient of constipation puts immense pressure while passing the stool and the harden stool hurts the soften veins inside the anus; thus the blood flows with pain and increases the tension.
3) Liver problem. Due to some reasons, the patients having liver problem are also obsessed in piles. So it is understood that the treatment of Liver is also necessary along with the treatment of piles, hemorrhoids. However, some experts disagree to this opinion and say the liver is not the basic cause of piles (hemorrhoids).
4) Inherited
transmitted. Some experts opinion reviews show that the Pile disease is
inherited transmitted into next generation.
The blood vessels become weaker in those children whose parents remained
patient of piles and there are great chances of being affected by this disease
almost at earlier stage.
5) Amazing facts
about animals. Animals are not affected by piles. Animal have four feet which used to walk on four
legs and feet, so there is no excessive pressure on their anus and thus the
veins are not pressed, do not have bloody stool and escaped from piles.
Herbal treatment is a natural and safest way of treatment without any pain and other complications caused by Surgery, Allopathic Medicine or any other unnatural, harmful treatment.
Care is better than cure. It is strictly advised that Pile’s patients should control their diet and should abstain from spice fully pepper and very hot behavior foods like Bar BBQs etc. They should stop eating Beef, Fish, Jaggery, Red Chilli and foods causing constipation.
Now we come to the recent topic to share our knowledge, experience and research about natural remedies to finish up piles.
Believe me the fruit of Figs is excellent gift of Nature on earth. The tenure for the availability of fresh Figs is for limited time. However, Figs are dried through special procedure. The dried Figs are also veryuseful.
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Figs can kill piles completely |
Naturally fig has the quality to uproot the Piles without doing any harm with human body. Actually, Fig is the Heaven Fruit, granted to the human being on earth by Nature.
The Holly Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) shared his knowledge of Revelation and ultimately said that you should use Figs because it Cut Throw the Piles (Hemmorhoids) and it is very useful for the pain of joints.
The Figs were served to the Holly Prophet & they ate Figs from that dish and very kindly forwarded the same to their other companion and followers sitting with them in the Assembly.
exercise/yoga for piles and fissure 2021
for now we have discussed the best natural remedies how to
uproot piles with herbal fruits at home 2021.
Now we will move a step forward and explain the preventive exercise for
piles and fissure 2021.
The following exercise /yoga are useful in all kinds of piles
(hemorrhoids). The performer of this exercise will prevent
him from piles and if someone unfortunately is caught by this disease will
hopefully surely get rid of this problem.
Keep your both feet at a maximum distance, then bend yourself
forward and touch the earth or floor by placing your both hands
Now stretch one leg and put maximum pressure on one knee. Repeat this process for second leg and knee. Do these exercises 10 times regularly on daily basis. See the picture for more help.
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Exercise to get rid from piles |
Exercise No.2.
Now sit on earth by stretching straight forward your legs. While in
this position bend forward and stretch your hands and try to touch your
tow. After few attempts you will be
succeeded to touch the tow. See the
picture for more help.
Now sitting in the same position as above, stretch and uplift your
both hands maximum and try to move your hands maximum backward. This will stretch your abdomen mussels.
See picture of proper guide about this exercise.
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difficulties in life and it costs noting to you and it can be done free by
sitting /relaxing at home, office, shop, business place etc.
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