Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek Seeds are named Methi in Urdu and this herb also called Trigonella Foenum-Graecum. Fenugreek is ordinary cultivated and is rarely a weed or spontaneous flora both in cold and warm weather countries. Its leaves are get dried and also used in cooking dishes / curry to enhance the taste & fragrance. Surprisingly, dried Fenugreek gives more fragrance than fresh one. The Fenugreek / Methi of “Qasoor” city of Pakistan in Asia are very famous for its pleasant tastefulness which makes the curry more attractive and delicious.


“Qasim Bin Abdul Rehman narrated a Hadith to seek / get heal by using Fenugreek /Methi”. In this context another narration is available in the history; some says it a Hadith while other say it the quote of older practitioners. "If my Community / Followers is get awareness for the usefulness of Fenugreek / Methi, then they would not hesitate to get Fenugreek in exchange of gold also.”
A compound / soup comprising on Dates, Barley, and Fenugreek & Honey as Sweetener was recommended by the older practitioner and the patient was healed from the disease.


Fenugreek boiled in Water is said to be beneficent for throat infection, pain and swelling, provides relief in congested chest and an herbal remedy in Cough.
Fenugreek is found to be very effective in heartburn and indigestion, lungs infection and inflammation. Fenugreek reduces the intensity of Piles / Hemorrhoids.
Fenugreek is the natural treatment & solution of Dandruff and used by boiling in water.


Fenugreek contains Protein and it is as useful like milk. It also contains phosphate and a kind of iron which absorbs in blood without any adverse effect.
According to recent research, fenugreek is an alternative of cod liver oil.
Fenugreek vent mucus, urine releaser, effective in inflammation of Kidney, stops piles blood, & protects lungs and its internal layer. It is an excellent appetizer. Its seeds and leaves both are used and contain Vitamin B and Iron. Seeds naturally lubricated provide relief in burning intestines, gastric pain, chronic motions and stomach ulcer.
Regular use of ½ teaspoon Fenugreek seeds in winter protests from seasonal diseases.
DISCLAIMER: This valuable information/data is provided after deep research .Natural and herbal remedies have no side effects. But excess of everything is bad & if someone misuses natural/herbal remedies /medicines due to his improper knowledge and negligence, he is self responsible for any possible loss and consequences and we are not responsible.


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