
Showing posts from March, 2017

Watermelon Benefits Weight Loss

Watermelon Benefits Weight Loss Watermelon Benefits Weight Loss Water Melon, a marvelous fruit, is mostly produced in warm weather countries & Cities like Central East, Indo-Pakistan, California, Najad, Hijaaz. The quality is determined by its rich red colored pulp and sweetness. The crust (outer skin) is about 2 centimeter thick. Its sweetness and freshness can remains up to 15 days at room temperature. The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ( (صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم used Water Melon along with Dates. And says that the combination of fruits make a remarkable compound, i.e heat of Dates and coldness of watermelon. Water Melon is both diet and syrup; it washes the abdomen internally and enhances the male power. Use of Watermelon about ½ an hour before meal washes the stomach naturally. OBSERVATIONS OF COMMENTATORS Grapes and Watermelon remain favorite fruits of The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ( صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم. Watermelon is digested instantly and it can eliminate the kidney...

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek Seeds Fenugreek Seeds Fenugreek Seeds are named Methi in Urdu and this herb also called Trigonella Foenum-Graecum. Fenugreek is ordinary cultivated and is rarely a weed or spontaneous flora both in cold and warm weather countries. Its leaves are get dried and also used in cooking dishes / curry to enhance the taste & fragrance. Surprisingly, dried Fenugreek gives more fragrance than fresh one. The Fenugreek / Methi of “Qasoor” city of Pakistan in Asia are very famous for its pleasant tastefulness which makes the curry more attractive and delicious. HADITH: “Qasim Bin Abdul Rehman narrated a Hadith to seek / get heal by using Fenugreek /Methi”. In this context another narration is available in the history; some says it a Hadith while other say it the quote of older practitioners. "If my Community / Followers is get awareness for the usefulness of Fenugreek / Methi, then they would not hesitate to get Fenugreek in exchange of gold also.” A compound / sou...

Chicory Health Benefits

Chicory Health Benefits Chicory Health Benefits The Scientific name of Chicory is Cichorium Intybus. It is called “Kasney” (کاسنی) in Urdu & कासनी in Hindi. In Europe it is naturally grown as spontaneous flora. The Chicory’s seeds, leaves, roots and flowers are being used as herbal medicine since ancient times. After digging out the routs from the soil are kept to dry at least two weeks. HADITH: Abdullah Bin Abbas has narrated the sayings of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم that dew drops from the Heaven fall on Chicory leaves each night. Do not remove these Sanctuary drops while using Chicory leaves. Another surprising quote is that eating chicory before night sleep saves from bad effects of the magic and the poison on that night. OLD OBSERVATIONS As an herbal treatment, the headache in Summer Season is cured by applying the mixture of Vinegar, Sandal and green leaves of Chicory. The inflammation of mouth and swelling of throat is cured by...

Nigella Seeds Benefits

Nigella Seeds Benefits Nigella Seeds Benefits Nigella Seeds Benefits. Nigella Sativa is a special natural remade and is being used for the treatment of stomach diseases. It is also used while preparing pickle; to enrich the taste further more. The height of Nigella sativa plant is about ½ Meter and blue color flowers produce on it. Basically, its origin was Turkey and Italia; from there it was obtained and cultivated in Asia Continent by the then practitioners keeping in view its usefulness. Hadith: Hazrat Abu Huraira described that Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ( (صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم recommended that the black seeds (Nigella seeds) are the patent medicine to get rid from any disease except the death (Muslim Ibn-e-Maja). Make the habit of consuming Nigella seeds obligatory as it is the cure from every disease except death (Muslim Ibn-e-Maja).The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ( (صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم used Nigella seeds along with Honey Syrup. OBSERVATIONS OF COMMENTATORS It has ...