
Figs vs Dates

Figs vs Dates Figs were basically available in Central East Asia-e-Kochak. Although now it is found in Hindustan, but before the arrivals of Muslims, it did not exist. It is believed that it was brought in Hindustan by the then Muslim Practitioners (Mongol & Mughal). But still after passing the 600 years period, its production was not enough to fulfill the local requirements. Earlier, Figs Plant was available in Samarna, and then it was spread in different countries from there. Turkey, Italia, Spain, Portugal, Iran, Philistine, Syria, Lebanon & Pakistan are the popular countries for its production. Territories Chitraal & Hunza are fertile for its production in Pakistan. As per point of view of Ancient Thinkers, it was the Figs Plant that welcomed the Human first. It is also narrated that Hazrat Adam & Hazrat Hawwa (Alaih-e-Salam) used leaves of Figs to cover to hide their specific body parts (Satar-Poshi in Urdu). The Fig is most delicate fruit amongst all the fruits. F...