
Pomegrnate Pomegrnate: (a beautiful, delicious & Powerful nutrient diet) Pomegranate, an ancient fruit, a beautiful & delicious product of nature and is a great source of energy being a strong tonic. The height of its tree is about 5 to 7 meters. Botanically its name is ‘Punica Granatum’. The length of its leaves is about 3 inches. Each and every pomegranate naturally contains one seed/grain (little fruit inside) from the pomegranate of heaven. Spiritually, it protects human from evil thoughts, illegal and criminal thinking created by evil spirit in human being heart. To revitalize the stomach, the fruit be eaten along with its thin whitish membrane found inside it. It is a best appetizer and a powerful tonic during weaknesses caused by diseases. Its wrapper/outer membrane are used during dyspepsia, for the treatment of defected gums and teeth and are known as anti-germs and antiseptic. This delicious fruit strengthens heart, muscles, brain. Sweet pomegranate is...