Watermelon Benefits Weight Loss

Watermelon Benefits Weight Loss Watermelon Benefits Weight Loss Water Melon, a marvelous fruit, is mostly produced in warm weather countries & Cities like Central East, Indo-Pakistan, California, Najad, Hijaaz. The quality is determined by its rich red colored pulp and sweetness. The crust (outer skin) is about 2 centimeter thick. Its sweetness and freshness can remains up to 15 days at room temperature. The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ( (صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم used Water Melon along with Dates. And says that the combination of fruits make a remarkable compound, i.e heat of Dates and coldness of watermelon. Water Melon is both diet and syrup; it washes the abdomen internally and enhances the male power. Use of Watermelon about ½ an hour before meal washes the stomach naturally. OBSERVATIONS OF COMMENTATORS Grapes and Watermelon remain favorite fruits of The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ( صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم. Watermelon is digested instantly and it can eliminate the kidney...